Friday 26 April 2013

World Boss Strategy

   This is mainly for non-spenders or people that spend very little. If you came to the server late, it is very hard to catch up to the players that have been here for awhile or spend massive amounts of money. But you can, through strategy, consistently climb the rankings of the World boss, increasing your power and your jewels gained consistently. There are 3 primary strategies for doing this.

Strategy 1 - Stat Creep:

   The one I employ. get the highest rank in the WB that I can, top 50 while gaining jewels. I could theoretically get top 10 every 5th WB, but it would require that I spend all my jewels to do so and the gain of 1 extra S god instead of 2 gods is only a 33% increase in attack damage once out of 5 WB. Instead I spend those jewels on stat points, pumping everything in stamina, making it require less jewels to maintain that rank, slowly increasing my efficiency. Effects of this strategy are far more profound the lower your current WB rank is, especially if you can farm the global WB and one of the mini WBs daily.

Strategy 2 - Power Creep:

   For the newer/lower level players. If you are a low level with relatively low damage and not earning any really good monsters from the world boss, nothing above ancients/legends. It is worth saving jewels, the 10 - 40 you get per WB until you have enough to break into the top 200 in attacks. The resulting 2 ultimates you get from this will average  approx 20k damage, making it easier for you to maintain your damage rank with less attacks. This is essential to levelling fast, which you want to do until at least level 180, where you can use quests to farm ancients. (More on ancient farming soon)...

Strategy 3 - Reset Start:

   This is for really new members, people that may have messed up stat point placement or not used the early levels to their full advantage. If you are really weak right now compared to the rest of the people on your level and DON'T have a PB (punching bag) to power level faster than your competition, you can reset to farm the 1-80 world boss and essentially double your jewels, using those to increase your stat points. I have a second account in which I did this and I make 60 jewels on that level 70 account every day in addition to 1 chaos and 2 ancient monsters. For more information or if you think this maybe right for you, leave a comment with your stats: level, attack per hit, energy, health, stamina and I will tell you if this will be best for you in the long run.


  1. Great guide, nice to see a different guide than just what combination makes what, and also a guide written by a true pro of the server keep up the good work!

  2. im lvl 68 and have 310 health, 103 attack, 98 deff, 103 energy, 46 stamina, should i reset my account?

    1. Yes. ONLY SPEND POINTS ON ENERGY AND STAMINA!!! Attack and defense don't increase your attack and defense, they slightly increases the chances of successful PvP attacks. I suggest you reset.

  3. Level 64, 70 attack 30 def 160 health 88 energy 68stamina
    87k damage per hit,only one chaos :( how to make higher grade monster? I don't deal enough damage in world boss to get more esters, regards

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, Please guide.
    Level 26, HP 100 Energy 25 Stamina 79
    Damage Per Hit, 150K. One Water Sgod, One Fire God, a bundle of Mini Satans.

    Any help for me to gain more jewels daily?

  6. lvl 56,93 stamina hp 100 energy 58 Damage per hit 50k. Help me out please

  7. lvl 58, stamina 31, energy 96, health 120, attack 220, defence 52, damage about 15k per stamina. do I have to reset?

  8. I'm at level 20ish, I only ever get jewels from world bosses..I have 30 stamina and it takes about 27min to recharge what is my best strategy to gain better monsters since I don't do alot of damage?

  9. I'm lv48 with 7.3mil dmg per hit 40energy and 90stam. Should I camp at lv79 to keep farming on mini world boss ?
